
In room 202
of the Travelway Inn
on Paris Street
I woke up and knew
I had to eat something
or be sick.

I threw on some clothes
from the floor
and grabbed some change
off the side table.

Staggered two blocks West
to the nearest convenience store
and as I passed through the parking lot
I noticed a parked red Sonata
with half a face blown off
in the driver’s seat.
The morning frost ensured that bits of cranium
caked frozen to part
of the driver side window
after having slid down halfway.                                                

I went into the convenience store
and bought a bag of pork rinds
and a Hustler.

I opened the bag
and ate one
as a crowd gathered around the car.

When I got back to my room
I pulled down the shades
folded my half eaten bag of pork rinds
to seal in freshness
and jerked off to the schoolgirl
and the charge nurse
doubled up
on page 24.